The wait is almost over, I’ve decided to upload Swolan at midnight tonight. Very stoked and excited to share this one with you all.

I didn’t know what this video was going to be when I first started this project three years ago. Swampy and Nolan had tagged me in a few really good clips and I’d started flowing them boards, and it really grew from there. I told em “Film a part and I’ll put you on the team". I do that with most potential riders. The funny thing about these lads though is that despite them filming with their friends at their local parks and putting clips on instagram all the time they will admit that they didn’t really know how to approach filming an actual video part.

Here’s where it got fun, we started going out and filming with em. Now I kind of envisioned a joint part that has a couple of doubles tricks and runs for about three minutes or so, I mean we could have just released the intro video credits really as an intro video, but the more we skated with them and the more stuff that we got, the video started to have a life of its own a little bit, it made sense for them to have separate standalone parts. As time went on, somewhere along the line we needed to figure out a name for this one, it was a fairly simple idea really, Swampy + Nolan = SWOLAN.

There were a couple of hurdles along the way, that’s why it took so long, Nolan got hurt right away, and then there was a global pandemic that you may have heard of, so that slowed things down a bit. In retrospect though, I think this is coming out at the exact right time that it needed to. Having the name in place and a deadline helped a lot with finishing this one up, lots of stuff was filmed in the last few weeks and it replaced older footage. I think it really does their skating justice and captures them both so well. Eternal thanks to Swampy and Nolan for working with me on this project and being patient and trusting my vision for it. Means the world to me lads. Thanks to all the riders who sent in footage and made it possible to make a really great rider montage/friend part. Thanks to Arthur J Reptillian and all the other bands who let us use songs on this one. (It’s not out yet, so I don’t want to give too much away) Thanks to all the filters who contributed clips too. And thanks anyone reading this, does anyone still read stuff on websites? Anyway, you’ve all been very patient about this one coming out.